Web-Based IP Address Management – phpIPAM

For those of you still using a spreadsheet for tracking IP addresses – it’s time to graduate! A couple of months ago I was looking around for free web based IPAM software. I wanted to be able to track the IP’s I have in use on my home/lab network and I also was consulting for a client that was looking for the same type of solution.  There is quite the list of IPAM related software and many more unlisted options. Believe me – I looked and tried almost all of them (the free ones anyway).

When it came down to it, the ones that stood out were phpIPAM and GestióIP. After using both for a couple of weeks it was clear that phpIPAM was the winner. While both have different strengths and weaknesses – phpIPAM was both aesthetically pleasing and had the feature set I was looking for.  At the time I was using version 0.9 of phpIPAM and since then they have released new versions which I was even more impressed with.


Full List of Features:

  • IPv4 / IPv6 address management
  • Domain authentication (AD) / OpenLDAP authentication
  • Per-group permissions
  • Multiple level of nested subnets
  • Visual subnet display
  • IPv4 / IPv6 address calculator
  • VRF support
  • VLAN management
  • Device management
  • RIPE import
  • Import / export XLS files
  • User management
  • E-Mail notification with IP details
  • IP database search
  • IP request module
  • IP range adding / editing / deleting
  • Custom IP/subnet/userVLAN address fields

phpIPAM uses a clean bootstrap interface, includes LDAP support out of the box, has automatic host availability checks, and is very customizable. It’s very easy to get setup and I had it running on CentOS 6.5 LAMP server in a matter of minutes. I would highly recommend it for small to mid sized environments looking for a cost effective (free!) IPAM solution.

What IPAM software would you recommend? Let me know in the comments below!

Karl has been involved in the virtualization, server, web development and web hosting industry for over 15 years. In his current role at a managed service provider, he is focused on cloud-based solutions for enterprise clients. His diverse background of sales, management, and architectural/technical expertise bring a unique perspective to the virtualization practice.

1 Comment

  1. I´m using phpIPAM too! It is the best open source option in the market. I´m planning to use the Microsoft IPAM Server that comes with Windows 2012.

    I have a post about the phpIPAM setup on my blog, but it´s in Brazilian Portuguese.

    Nice blog!


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